Tammy Roach
Tammy Roach
Posted on March 23, 2023 | Michael.Litvak@trader.ca

Started in this crazy, fun, ever changing "biz" in 1999 (we gonna party like its....) Proud to be the only women dealer principal on PEI, only a handful in Canada. #Represent! People are my "job", people including my staff and customers. Although, I love what I do so...."love what you do, and you'll never work a day in your life!" Business model - treat people right, ALL people - it really is that simple. I have an open-door policy, except when it's closed. Strange addiction - hotel pen collector, I take it first night in hopes they'll replace it the next.... I live in beautiful West Covehead with my husband Robin, daughter Genevieve and 2 ragdoll cats! I love the beach, hanging with my friends and family! Onwards and Upwards!