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Tips for Safe Winter Driving

Tips for Safe Winter Driving

Tips for Safe Winter Driving

With winter rapidly approaching, it's time to winterize your vehicle and ensure your safety at the wheel through our roughest season. As the preeminent dealership in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, we're here to provide you with a handful of car safety tips that will serve you well and help you get through the winter without incident. Whether you drive a model from our new inventory or elsewhere, fill yourself in on our winter driving tips below for a stress-free season.

Stay Composed & In Control When It's Slippery

If you need to bring your car to a quick stop, it's best to pump the brakes to keep your vehicle from sliding. Most modern vehicles come with an anti-lock braking system (ABS) that will perform this action on its own, and if your car has a manual transmission, downshifting will help slow it down. When driving on snow-covered or icy roads, avoid acceleration or braking hard when cornering, and remember to ease off your brakes if your vehicle starts to slide when braking around a corner.

Rid Your Car of Ice & Snow

Visibility is paramount when braving snowy and freezing conditions, and you can take the edge off your ride by clearing your car of ice and snow before taking the wheel. We recommend brushing off your headlights, taillights, hood, and windows, and don't forget the roof, as snow may fall onto your windshield during your ride and compromise your visibility.

Maintain a Safe Distance on the Road

Given the rough conditions of winter roads, it's best to drive slowly and keep a safe distance from vehicles ahead. Maintaining a lower speed will keep you from losing traction if you need to hit the brakes, and staying at a distance will give you the space to brake safely and avoid collisions with inexperienced drivers.

Stay Cautious When Driving in Freezing Rain

Freezing rain is one of winter's many potential driving hazards, and we can't stress the importance of taking proper precautions enough. For starters, plan ahead and give yourself more time than usual to reach your destination. Be careful with how you hit the brakes, keep an eye out for road maintenance vehicles like snowplows and salt trucks, and remember to stay at a safe distance from whoever's ahead of you.

Plan Ahead to Ensure Safe Winter Driving

It doesn't always take much to lose control of your ride when braving a harsh winter, which is why we strongly suggest sticking to the following winter driving tips to stay safe on treacherous roads. Keep to the main roads and thoroughfares when commuting, as road maintenance vehicles will tend to those before back roads in the event of a snow or ice storm. Furthermore, remember to brush off your lights to ensure that you'll see and be seen by other drivers on the road. Lastly, if conditions are especially brutal, don't be afraid to err on the side of caution and avoid taking the wheel altogether.

For more car safety and winter driving tips, contact us at Charlottetown Mitsubishi today.

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