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Checking for Tire Wear & Tear

Checking for Tire Wear & Tear

Tire safety is integral to stress-free driving, and we're here to provide some valuable tips for checking your tires for wear and tear over the long term. Whether you're based in our home of Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island or beyond, allow us the pleasure of helping you stay on top of your tires' condition and optimize your experience at the wheel.

How Do I Know if My Tires Are Safe?

There are a handful of things you can check for regularly that will help you assess the wear and tear of your tires. Firstly, we recommend checking their tread depth, as it's partly responsible for the traction and stability of your ride. You can find your own tread gauge tool at Charlottetown Mitsubishi or have the depth checked by one of our Service Centre's technicians, and if the depth is under 2/16 of an inch, it's time to change your tires, as that amount of wear will fail a Motor Vehicle Inspection. We also suggest checking your tires' tread pattern, as it's designed to divert snow, water, and slush from underneath your tires to optimize traction. If you detect flat rubber bars that run perpendicular to your tires' treads, it's likely time to get a new set.

Another thing to look out for is irregular or premature tread wear. This is often caused by improper tire inflation or vehicle alignment issues, which is why we recommend checking your tire pressure regularly when you stop to fill your tank. If your tire pressure is at the proper levels but the irregular tread wear persists, we suggest bringing your vehicle to our Service Centre for proper diagnosis and repairs. Furthermore, be sure to look out for bubbles and cracks on your tires' sidewalls. These usually arise when hitting potholes, and they can cause both slow leaks and abrupt blowouts when traveling at high speeds. If you detect any bulges or cracks in your tires, it's best to contact us and get a new set of tires installed. Lastly, it's always a safe bet to get winter tires installed for winter driving and swap them out again once spring arrives and temperatures hit 7 degrees.

Why Is Tire Care Important?

Tire care is important for various reasons. For starters, conducting proper tire safety checks will allow you to determine when it's time for a new set. Tires that are either worn out or badly inflated can lead to various problems and compromise your vehicle's handling, performance, alignment, and fuel efficiency. Furthermore, the better shape your tires are in, the better your chance of braving wet, snowy, and ice-covered surfaces without incident.

For more on how you can tend to your tires and keep tabs on their condition, contact us at Charlottetown Mitsubishi.

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